Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hi everyone,

This is the first time for me to publish a writing in this blog. On this web, I will (try) to write updates about school matters, such as announcements, holidays, events, assignments and homework. I will post every homework on a web server so that parents and students can easily download the paper just in case the homework given in the classroom is missing (coz it happens all the time) ^^.

This week, 2-3A students has received English weekly project. They have to make a secret message for their loved ones. They also have to find 5 underlined words for pre-learning dictionary usage. Please read the instruction clearly and thoroughly. please be adviced that the due date for this homework is on TUESDAY, FEB. 22nd.

The students also have Science weekly project with due date MONDAY, FEB. 21, 2011. I make the due date earlier in the purpose of increasing the students responsibility in collecting homework. Please support. If you have difficulties in accessing the website, you can click the link here

Have a nice day... d[^-^]b